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Ecological and Evolutionary Responses to Climate Change (July 2017): Predicting the outcomes of climate change

By Diane P. Genereux and David A. Lovejoy

Predicting the outcomes of climate change

To date, the impacts of climate change are best studied for humans and for other species that directly impact human health and well-being—including crop, pollinator, pest, invasive, and pathogen species. As this remains a new area of exploration, many exciting findings have not yet made their way from journal articles into books. Several of the most up-to-date books in this area are from the “CABI Climate Change Series,” published by The Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI), a not-for-profit UK-based publisher. The books offer compilations of topical reviews by working scientists and are universally noteworthy in their clear and impressively thorough foundational research and newer findings. Readers are encouraged to be on the lookout for forthcoming books in this series and, more generally, the growth of literature in this area.