Agriculture to Zoology: Information Literacy in the Life Sciences, ed. by Jodee L. Kuden, Julianna E. Braund-Allen, and Daria O. Carle. Chandos, 2017.
Baer, Andrea. Information Literacy and Writing Studies in Conversation: Reenvisioning Library–Writing Program Connections. Library Juice Press, 2016.
Berrio Matamoros, Alex. Information Literacy for Today’s Diverse Students: Differentiated Instructional Techniques for Academic Librarians. Libraries Unlimited, 2019.
Broussard, Mary Snyder. Reading, Research, and Writing: Teaching Information Literacy with Process-Based Research Assignments. Association of College and Research Libraries, 2017.
Burkhardt, Joanna M. Teaching Information Literacy Reframed: 50+ Framework-Based Exercises for Creating Information-Literate Learners. Neal-Schuman, 2016.
Cook, Nicole A. Fake News and Alternative Facts: Information Literacy in a Post-Truth Era. ALA Editions, 2018.
Creating Data Literate Students, ed. by Kristin Fontichiaro, Jo Angela Oehrli, and Amy Lennex. Maize Books/Michigan Publishing, 2017.
Critical Approaches to Credit-Bearing Information Literacy Courses, ed. by Angela Pashia and Jessica Critten. Association of College and Research Libraries, 2019.
Critical Library Pedagogy Handbook, ed. by Nicole Pagowsky and Kelly McElroy. 2v. Association of College and Research Libraries, 2016.
Critical Literacy for Information Professionals, ed. by Sarah McNicol. Facet, 2016.
Data Information Literacy: Librarians, Data, and the Education of a New Generation of Researchers, ed. by Jake Carlson and Lisa R. Johnston. Purdue, 2015.
Data Literacy in the Real World: Conversations and Case Studies, ed. by Kristin Fontichiaro et al. Maize Books/Michigan Publishing, 2017.
De Abreu, Belinha S. Teaching Media Literacy. Neal-Schuman, 2007; 2nd ed., ALA Neal- Schuman, 2019.
Disciplinary Applications of Information Literacy Threshold Concepts, ed. by Samantha Godbey, Susan Beth Wainscott, and Xan Goodman. Association of College and Research Libraries, 2017.
The Discovery Tool Cookbook: Recipes for Successful Lesson Plans, ed. by Nancy Fawley and Nikki Krysak. Association of College and Research Libraries, 2016.
The Embedded Librarian’s Cookbook, ed. by Kaijsa Calkins and Cassandra Kvenild. Association of College and Research Libraries, 2014.
The First-Year Experience Cookbook, ed. by Raymond Pun and Meggan Houlihan. Association of College and Research Libraries, 2017.
Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. Association of College and Research Libraries, 2015.
The framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing: Scholarship and Applications, ed. by Nicholas N. Behm, Sherry Rankins-Robertson, and Duane Roen. Parlor Press, [2017]
Framing Health Care Instruction: An Information Literacy Handbook for the Health Sciences, ed. by Lauren M. Young and Elizabeth Hinton. Rowman & Littlefield, 2019.
Framing Information Literacy: Teaching Grounded in Theory, Pedagogy, and Practice, ed. by Mary K. Oberlies and Janna Mattson. 6v. Association of College and Research Libraries, 2018.
Francis, Mary. The Fun of Motivation: Crossing the Threshold Concepts. Association of College and Research Libraries, 2017.
The Future Scholar: Researching and Teaching the Frameworks for Writing and Information Literacy, ed. by Randall McClure and James P. Purdy. Information Today, 2016.
The Grounded Instruction Librarian: Participating in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, ed. by Melissa Mallon et al. Association of College and Research Libraries, 2019.
Harmeyer, Dave, and Janice J. Baskin. Implementing the Information Literacy Framework: A Practical Guide for Librarians. Rowman & Littlefield, 2018.
Hess, Amanda Nichols. Transforming Academic Library Instruction: Shifting Teaching Practices to Reflect Changed Perspectives. Rowman & Littlefield, 2018.
Hofer, Amy R., Silvia Lin Hanick, and Lori Townsend. Transforming Information Literacy Instruction: Threshold Concepts in Theory and Practice. Libraries Unlimited, 2019.
Information Literacy and Libraries in the Age of Fake News, ed. by Denise E. Agosto. Libraries Unlimited, 2018.
Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. Association of College and Research Libraries, 2000.
The Information Literacy Framework: Case Studies of Successful Implementation, ed. by Heidi Julien, Melissa Gross, and Don Latham. Rowman & Littlefield, 2020.
Klipfel, Kevin Michael, and Dani Brecher Cook. Learner-Centered Pedagogy: Principles and Practice. ALA Editions, 2017.
The Library Instruction Cookbook, ed. by Ryan L. Sittler and Douglas Cook. Association of College and Research Libraries, 2009.
Luhtala, Michelle, and Jaquelyn Whiting. News Literacy: The Keys to Combating Fake News. Libraries Unlimited, 2018.
Mackey, Thomas P., and Trudi E. Jacobson. Metaliteracy: Reinventing Information Literacy to Empower Learners. ALA Neal-Schuman, 2014
Media and Information Literacy in Higher Education: Educating the Educators, ed. by Siri Ingvaldsen and Dianne Oberg. Chandos, 2017.
Metaliteracy in Practice, ed. by Trudi E. Jacobson and Thomas P. Mackey. Neal- Schuman, 2016.
Metaliterate Learning for the Post-Truth World, ed. by Thomas P. Mackey and Trudi E. Jacobson. ALA Neal-Schuman, 2019.
Meyer, Jan, and Ray Land. Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge: Linkages to Ways of Thinking and Praticising within the Disciplines. University of Edinburgh, 2003. ETL Project Occasional Report 4.
Not Just Where to Click: Teaching Students How to Think about Information, ed. by Troy A. Swanson and Heather Jagman. Association of College and Research Libraries, 2015.
Polger, Mark Aaron, and Scott Sheidlower. Engaging Diverse Learners: Teaching Strategies for Academic Librarians. Libraries Unlimited, 2017.
Powers, Meredith, and Laura Costello. Reaching Diverse Audiences with Virtual Reference and Instruction: A Practical Guide for Librarians. Rowman & Littlefield, 2019.
Reale, Michelle. Becoming a Reflective Librarian and Teacher: Strategies for Mindful Academic Practice. ALA Editions, 2017.
___. The Indispensable Academic Librarian. ALA Editions, 2018.
___. Meeting the Challenge of Teaching Information Literacy. ALA Editions, 2020.
Rewired: Research-Writing Partnerships within the Frameworks, ed. by Randall McClure. Association of College and Research Libraries, 2016 (CH, Jun’17, 54-4523).
Teaching Information Literacy Threshold Concepts: Lesson Plans for Librarians, ed. by Patricia Bravender, Hazel McClure, and Gayle Schaub. Association of College and Research Libraries, 2015.
Visual Literacy for Libraries: A Practical, Standards-Based Guide, by Nicole E. Brown et al. ALA Editions, 2016.