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History of Psychology: Works Cited

By Bernard C. Beins

Works Cited

Bair, Deirdre. Jung: A Biography. Little, Brown and Company, 2003 (CH, Apr’04, 41-4959).

Benjamin, Ludy T. A History of Psychology in Letters. 2nd ed. Blackwell Publishing, 2006 (1st ed. Wm. C. Brown, 1993).

Benjamin, Ludy T., and David B. Baker. From Séance to Science: A History of the Profession of Psychology in America. Thomson/Wadsworth, 2004.

Bjork, Daniel W. B. F. Skinner: A Life. Basic Books, 1993 (CH, Feb’94, 31-3478).

Boring, Edwin G. A History of Experimental Psychology. The Century Co., 1929.

Brigham, Carl C. A Study of American Intelligence. Princeton, 1923.

Buckley, Kerry W. Mechanical Man: John Broadus Watson and the Beginnings of Behaviorism. Guilford Press, 1989 (CH, Jan’90, 27-2976).

The Cambridge Handbook of the Intellectual History of Psychology, ed. by Robert J. Sternberg and Wade E. Pickren. Cambridge, 2019 (CH, Nov’19, 57-1153).

Dufresne, Todd. The Late Sigmund Freud: Or, The Last Word on Psychoanalysis, Society, and All the Riddles of Life. Cambridge, 2017 (CH, Sep’17, 55-0423).

Evolving Perspectives on the History of Psychology, ed. by Wade E. Pickren and Donald A. Dewsbury. American Psychological Association, 2002 (CH, May’02, 39-5487).

Fancher, Raymond E., and Alexandra Rutherford. Pioneers of Psychology: A History. 5th ed. W. W. Norton, 2017 (1st ed. by Fancher, 1979).

Fincher-Kiefer, Rebecca. How the Body Shapes Knowledge: Empirical Support for Embodied Cognition. American Psychological Association, 2019 (CH, Aug’19, 56-4889).

Gall, Spurzheim, and the Phrenological Movement: Insights and Perspectives, ed. by Paul Eling and Stanley Finger. Routledge, 2021.

Galton, Francis. Hereditary Genius: An Inquiry into Its Laws and Consequences. 2nd ed. D. Appleton and Company, 1892 (1st ed. Macmillan, 1869).

Gardner, Howard E. Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Basic Books, 2011 (orig. pub. 1983).

Gay, Peter. Freud: A Life for Our Time. W. W. Norton, 1988 (CH, Nov’88, 26-1808).

Goddard, Henry Herbert. The Kallikak Family: A Study in the Heredity of Feeble-Mindedness. Macmillan, 1912.

Gould, Stephen Jay. The Mismeasure of Man. Rev. and expanded ed. W. W. Norton, 1996 (CH, Dec’96, 34-2458) (1st ed., 1981).

Green, Christopher D. Psychology and Its Cities: A New History of Early American Psychology. Routledge, 2019 (CH, Sep’19, 57-0381).

Green, Christopher D., and Philip R. Groff. Early Psychological Thought: Ancient Accounts of Mind and Soul. Praeger, 2003 (CH, Mar’04, 41-4117).

Halliwell, Martin. Therapeutic Revolutions: Medicine, Psychiatry, and American Culture, 1945–1970. Rutgers, 2013 (CH, Sep’13, 51-0557).

Handbook of International Feminisms: Perspectives on Psychology, Women, Culture, and Rights, ed. by Alexandra Rutherford et al. Springer, 2011.

Herman, Ellen. The Romance of American Psychology: Political Culture in the Age of Experts. California, 1995 (CH, Oct’95, 33-1212).

A History of Psychology: Original Sources and Contemporary Research, ed. by Ludy T. Benjamin. 3rd ed. Blackwell Publishing, 2009 (1st ed. McGraw-Hill, 1988).

A History of Psychology in Autobiography, vol. 1, ed. by Carl Murchison. Clark University, 1930.

A History of Psychology in Autobiography, vol. 2, ed. by Carl Murchison. Clark University, 1932.

A History of Psychology in Autobiography, vol. 3, ed. by Carl Murchison. Clark University, 1936.

A History of Psychology in Autobiography, vol. 4, ed. by Edwin G. Boring et al. Clark University Press, 1952.

A History of Psychology in Autobiography, vol. 5, ed. by Edwin G. Boring and Gardner Lindzey. Apple-ton-Century-Crofts, 1967.

A History of Psychology in Autobiography, vol. 6, ed. by Gardner Lindzey. Prentice-Hall, 1974.

A History of Psychology in Autobiography, vol. 7, ed. by Gardner Lindzey. W. H. Freeman, 1980.

A History of Psychology in Autobiography, vol. 8, ed. by Gardner Lindzey. Stanford, 1989.

A History of Psychology in Autobiography, vol. 9, ed. by Gardner Lindzey and William McKinley Runyan. American Psychological Association, 2007.

International Histories of Psychological Assessment, ed. by Sumaya Laher. Cambridge, 2022 (CH, Jun’23, 60-3066).

James, William. Talks to Teachers on Psychology and to Students on Some of Life’s Ideals. Henry Holt and Company, 1899.

___. The Principles of Psychology, vol. I and II. Complete and unabridged with illustrations and tables. Pantianos Classics, 2018 (1st ed. Henry Holt and Company, 1890).

Jay, Mike. This Way Madness Lies: The Asylum and Beyond. Thames & Hudson, 2016 (CH, Apr’17, 54-4027).

Kaufman, Alan S. IQ Testing 101. Springer, 2009.

Klein, Ann G. A Forgotten Voice: The Biography of Leta Stetter Hollingworth. Great Potential Press, 2002 (CH, Jun’03, 40-5928).

Kuhlmann, Hilke. Living Walden Two: B. F. Skinner’s Behaviorist Utopia and Experimental Communities. Illinois, 2005 (CH, May’06, 43-5582).

Lombardo, Paul A. Three Generations, No Imbeciles: Eugenics, the Supreme Court, and Buck v. Bell. Updated ed. Johns Hopkins, 2022 (1st ed., CH, Jul’09, 46-6480).

McLynn, Frank. Carl Gustav Jung. St. Martin’s Press, 1997.

McReynolds, Paul. Lightner Witmer: His Life and Times. American Psychological Association, 1997.

Mendelsohn, Robert. Freudian Thought for the Contemporary Clinician: A Primer on Psychoanalytic Theory. Routledge, 2022.

Minton, Henry L. Lewis M. Terman: Pioneer in Psychological Testing. New York University, 1988 (CH, Apr’89, 26-4759).

Myers, Gerald E. William James: His Life and Thought. Yale, 2001.

The Oxford Handbook of the History of Psychology: Global Perspectives, ed. by David B. Baker. Oxford, 2012.

Pass, Susan. Parallel Paths to Constructivism: Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. Information Age Publishing, 2004.

Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, ed. by Gregory A. Kimble, Michael Wertheimer, and Charlotte White. American Psychological Association/L. Erlbaum, 1991 (CH, Jun’92, 29-5977).

Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, vol. 2, ed. by G. A. Kimble, C. A. Boneau, and M. Wertheimer. American Psycho-logical Association/L. Erlbaum, 1998.

Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, vol. 3, ed. by Gregory A. Kimble and Michael Wertheimer. American Psychological Association/L. Erlbaum, 1998 (CH, Sep’98, 36-0636).

Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, vol. 4, ed. by Gregory A. Kimble and Michael Wertheimer. American Psychological Association/L. Erlbaum, 2000.

Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, vol. 5, ed. by Gregory A. Kimble and Michael Wertheimer. American Psychological Association/L. Erlbaum, 2003 (CH, Nov’03, 41-1863).

Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, vol. 6, ed. by Donald A. Dewsbury, Michael Wertheimer, and Ludy T. Benjamin. American Psychological Association/L. Erlbaum, 2006.

Poskett, James. Materials of the Mind: Phrenology, Race, and the Global History of Science, 1815–1920. Chicago, 2019 (CH, Oct’19, 57-0549).

Psychological Testing and American Society: 1890–1930, ed. by Michael M. Sokal. Rutgers, 1987 (CH, Oct’87).

Richardson, John T. E. Howard Andrew Knox: Pioneer of Intelligence Testing at Ellis Island. Columbia, 2011 (CH, Apr’12, 49-4760).

Richardson, Robert D. William James: In the Maelstrom of American Modernism. Houghton Mifflin, 2006 (CH, Sep’07,


Ross, Dorothy. G. Stanley Hall: The Psychologist as Prophet. Chicago, 1972 (CH, Feb’73).

Rutherford, Alexandra. Beyond the Box: B. F. Skinner’s Technology of Behavior from Laboratory to Life, 1950s–1970s. Toronto, 2009.

Scarborough, Elizabeth, and Laurel Furumoto. Untold Lives: The First Generation of American Women Psychologists. Columbia, 1987 (CH, Sep’87).

Schlett, James. Frontier Struggles: Rollo May and the Little Band of Psychologists Who Saved Humanism. Akron, 2021 (CH, Feb’22, 59-1814).

Schmied, Lori A. The Advance of Neuroscience: Twelve Topics from the Victorian Era to Today. McFarland, 2019 (CH, Jul’19, 56-4519).

Shorter, Edward. A History of Psychiatry: From the Era of the Asylum to the Age of Prozac. Wiley, 1997 (CH, Jul’97, 34-6554).

Skinner, B. F. Beyond Freedom and Dignity. Knopf, 1971.

___. Verbal Behavior. Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1957.

___. Walden Two. Macmillan, 1948.

Smith, Roger. Between Mind and Nature: A History of Psychology. Reaktion Books, 2013 (CH, Aug’13, 50-7054).

Stanovich, Keith E. What Intelligence Tests Miss: The Psychology of Rational Thought. Yale, 2009 (CH, Jun’09, 46-5908).

Terman, Lewis M. The Measurement of Intelligence. Houghton Mifflin, 1916.

Thorne, Brian. Carl Rogers. Sage, 1992 (CH, Feb’93, 30-3525).

The Transformation of Psychology: Influences of 19th-Century Philosophy, Technology, and Natural Science, ed. by Christopher D. Green, Marlene Shore, and Thomas Teo. American Psychological Association, 2001 (CH, Dec’01, 39-2486).

Vinchur, Andrew J. The Early Years of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Cambridge, 2018 (CH, May’19, 56-3784).

Vinski, Edward. William James and the Birth of Modern Teaching. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019.

Watson, John B. Behaviorism. W. W. Norton, 1924.

___. Psychological Care of Infant and Child. W. W. Norton, 1928.

Whitebook, Joel. Freud: An Intellectual Biography. Cambridge, 2017 (CH, Aug’17, 54-5826).

Whooley, Owen. On the Heels of Ignorance: Psychiatry and the Politics of Not Knowing. Chicago, 2019 (CH, Sep’19, 57-0391).

Wilhelm Wundt in History: The Making of a Scientific Psychology, ed. by Robert W. Rieber and David K. Robinson. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2001.

Wolf, Theta Holmes. Alfred Binet. Chicago, 1973 (CH, Feb’74).

Zenderland, Leila. Measuring Minds: Henry Herbert Goddard and the Origins of American Intelligence Testing. Cam-bridge, 1998 (CH, Oct’98, 36-1275)