Aarsleff, Hans. The Study of Language in England, 1780-1860. Princeton, 1967 (CH, Nov’67).
The Adventure of English: The Life Story of a Remarkable Language, produced and directed by Robert Bee, David Thomas, and Nigel Wattis. Athena, 2009. DVD. [See also Bragg, Melvyn. The Adventure of English.]
The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots, ed. by Calvert Watkins. Houghton Mifflin, rev. ed., 1985; 3rd ed., 2011 (CH, Mar’12, 49-3594).
American Speech. q. Duke, 1925-.
American Tongues, produced, directed, and written by Louis Alvarez and Andrew Kolker. Center for New American Media, 1987. Video.
Andresen, Julie Tetel. Linguistics in America, 1769-1924: A Critical History. Routledge, 1990 (CH, Apr’91, 28-4338).
An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, Based on the Manuscript Collections of the Late Joseph Bosworth, ed. and enl. by T. Northcote Toller. Clarendon Press, 1898; Suppl., 1921.
ARCHER: A Representative Corpus of Historical English Registers, first constructed by Douglas Biber and Edward Finegan.
Ayers, Donald M. English Words from Latin and Greek Elements. Arizona, 1965; 2nd ed., rev. and expanded by Thomas D. Worthen, with R. L. Cherry, 1986.
Bailey, Richard W. Images of English: A Cultural History of the Language. Michigan, 1991 (CH, Sep’92, 30-0117).
_____. Speaking American: A History of English in the United States. Oxford, 2012 (CH, Jul’12, 49-6100).
The Barnhart Dictionary of Etymology, ed. by Robert K. Barnhart and Sol Steinmetz. H. W. Wilson Co., 1988.
Baugh, Albert C. A History of the English Language. Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1935; 6th ed., co-written with Thomas Cable, Pearson, 2013.
Biber, Douglas, Susan Conrad, and Randi Reppen. Corpus Linguistics: Investigating Language Structure and Use. Cambridge, 1998.
A Bibliography of Writings for the History of the English Language, comp. and ed. by Jacek Fisiak. 2nd ed. Mouton de Gruyter, 1987.
Bradley, Henry. The Making of English. Macmillan, 1904. Rev. ed. by Simeon Potter, 1968.
Bragg, Melvyn. The Adventure of English: The Biography of a Language. 1st US ed. Arcade Publishing, 2004.
Brinton, Laurel J., and Leslie K. Arnovick. The English Language: A Linguistic History. Oxford, 2006.
Bryson, Bill. Made in America: An Informal History of the English Language in the United States. W. Morrow, 1994.
_____. The Mother Tongue: English & How It Got That Way. Avon Books, 1991.
Burchfield, Robert. The English Language. Oxford, 1985 (CH, Jun’85).
The Cambridge History of the English Language, ed. by Richard Hogg. 6v. Cambridge, 1992-2001 (v.1, CH, May’93, 30-4832).
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Cohen, Murray. Sensible Words: Linguistic Practice in England, 1640-1785. Johns Hopkins, 1977 (CH, Oct’78).
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Crystal, David. The Stories of English. Overlook Press, 2004.
_____. The Story of English in 100 Words. St. Martin’s Press, 2012.
Curzan, Anne. Gender Shifts in the History of English. Cambridge, 2003 (CH, Dec’03, 41-1998).
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Denison, David. English Historical Syntax: Verbal Constructions. Longman, 1993.
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Dictionary of Old English: A to G Online, ed. by Antonette diPaolo Healey. Toronto: Dictionary of Old English Project, 2007. CD-ROM (CH, Aug’08, 45-6499).
Do You Speak American?, produced and directed by William Cran; written by William Cran and Robert MacNeil. Films for the Humanities & Sciences, 2005. DVD.
Early English in the Computer Age: Explorations through the Helsinki Corpus, ed. by Matti Rissanen, Merja Kytö, and Minna Palander-Collin. Mouton de Gruyter, 1993.
Ellis, Alexander. On Early English Pronunciation, with Especial Reference to Shakspere and Chaucer… 5v. Greenwood, 1968. Reprint of the 1869 edition.
Emerson, Oliver Farrar. The History of the English Language. Macmillan and Co., 1894.
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Fisher, John H. The Emergence of Standard English. Kentucky, 1996 (CH, Sep’96, 34-0108).
Frantzen, Allen J. Desire for Origins: New Language, Old English, and Teaching the Tradition. Rutgers, 1990.
Fulk, R. D. A History of Old English Meter. Pennsylvania, 1992.
Geipel, John. The Viking Legacy: The Scandinavian Influence on the English and Gaelic Languages. David and Charles, 1971 (CH, Mar’73).
Gelderen, Elly van. A History of the English Language. J. Benjamins, 2006.
Gneuss, Helmut. English Language Scholarship: A Survey and Bibliography from the Beginnings to the End of the Nineteenth Century. MRTS (Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, 1996 (CH, Jul’96, 33-6043).
Görlach, Manfred. Introduction to Early Modern English. Cambridge, 1991 (CH, May’92, 29-4948).
Gramley, Stephan. The History of English: An Introduction. Routledge, 2012.
Green, Jonathon. Green’s Dictionary of Slang. 3v. Chambers, 2010 (CH, Aug’11, 48-6639).
The Handbook of the History of the English, ed. by Ans van Kemenade and Bettelou Los. Blackwell, 2006.
Helsinki Corpus of English Texts, comp. by Matti Rissanen et al. Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki. /
Historical Dictionary of American Slang [see Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang].
A History of the English Language, ed. by Richard Hogg and David Denison. Cambridge, 2006.
Hitchings, Henry. The Language Wars: A History of Proper English. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011 (CH, Mar’12, 49-3693).
Hogg, Richard M. A Grammar of Old English. 2v. Wiley-Blackwell, 1992, 2011.
Huddleston, Rodney, Geoffrey K. Pullum with Laurie Bauer et al. The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Cambridge, 2002 (CH, Dec’02, 40-2004).
Hughes, Geoffrey. A History of English Words. Blackwell, 2000.
_____. Swearing: A Social History of Foul Language, Oaths, and Profanity in English. Blackwell, 1993.
Jespersen, Otto. Growth and Structure of the English Language. 10th ed. Chicago, 1982, c1938.
_____. A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles. 7v. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1909-49.
Jones, Charles. A History of English Phonology. Longman, 1989 (CH, Feb’90, 27-3189).
Kennedy, Arthur G. A Bibliography of Writings on the English Language from the Beginning of Printing to the End of 1922. Harvard/Yale, 1927.
Krapp, George Philip. The English Language in America. 2v. The Century Co., 1925.
Kurath, Hans. A Word Geography of the Eastern United States. Michigan, 1949.
Kurath, Hans, and Raven I. McDavid Jr. The Pronunciation of English in the Atlantic States; Based upon the Collections of the Linguistic Atlas of the Eastern United States. Michigan, [1961].
Labov, William, Sharon Ash, and Charles Boberg. The Atlas of North American English: Phonetics, Phonology, and Sound Change: A Multimedia Reference Tool. Mouton de Gruyter, 2006 (CH, Oct’06, 44-0665).
Legacies of Colonial English: Studies in Transported Dialects, ed. by Raymond Hickey. Cambridge, 2004 (CH, Oct’05, 43-0762).
Lerer, Seth. History of the English Language, Parts 1-3. 2nd ed. Teaching Company, 2008. 18 CDs.
_____. Inventing English: A Portable History of the Language. Columbia, 2007 (CH, Nov’07, 45-1298).
Lightfoot, David W. Principles of Diachronic Syntax. Cambridge, 1979.
The Linguistic Atlas of England, ed. by Harold Orton, Stewart Sanderson, and John Widdowson. Humanities Press, 1979 (CH, Mar’80).
Lounsbury, T. R. History of the English Language. Rev. and enl. ed. H. Holt and Co., 1907, c1894.
MacNeil, Robert, and William Cran. Do You Speak American? A Companion to the PBS Television Series. Nan A. Talese/Doubleday, 2005. [See also, Do You Speak American?, produced and directed by William Cran.]
Marsh, George P. The Origin and History of the English Language, and of the Early Literature It Embodies. C. Scribner, 1862. 3rd ed., 1869.
McCrum, Robert. Globish: How the English Language Became the World’s Language. W.W. Norton, 2010 (CH, Dec’10, 48-1894).
McCrum, Robert, William Cran, and Robert MacNeil. The Story of English. Faber and Faber, 1986; 3rd rev. ed., Penguin, 2003. [See also The Story of English, produced by William Cran, Robert McCrum, and Robert MacNeil.]
McEnery, Tony, and Andrew Wilson. Corpus Linguistics. Edinburgh University Press, 1996.
McWhorter, John. Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue: The Untold History of English. Gotham Books, 2008.
Mencken, H. L. The American Language: A Preliminary Inquiry into the Development of English in the United States. Knopf, 1919; 4th ed., 1936.
Micklethwait, David. Noah Webster and the American Dictionary. McFarland, 2000 (CH, Sep’00, 38-0152).
Middle English Dictionary, ed. by Hans Kurath and Sherman M. Kuhn. Michigan/Oxford, 1952-2001; online .
Miller, D. Gary. External Influences on English: From Its Beginnings to the Renaissance. Oxford, 2012.
Millward, C. M. A Biography of the English Language. Harcourt Brace College, 1989.
Minkova, Donka. Alliteration and Sound Change in Early English. Cambridge, 2003.
Mitchell, Bruce. Old English Syntax. 2v. Oxford, 1985 (CH, Oct’85).
Mustanoja, Tauno F. A Middle English Syntax. Helsinki: Société Néophilologique. 1960-.
A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles: Founded Mainly on the Materials Collected by the Philological Society, ed. by James A. H. Murray et al. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1928.
Ogilvie, Sarah. Words of the World: A Global History of the Oxford English Dictionary. Cambridge, 2013 (CH, Jan’14, 51-2404).
The Oxford Companion to the English Language, ed. by Tom McArthur. Oxford, 1992 (CH, Jan’93, 30-2440).
The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology, ed. by C. T. Onions with G. W. S. Friedrichsen and R. W. Burchfield. Clarendon Press, [1966].
The Oxford Handbook of the History of English, ed. by Terttu Nevalainen and Elizabeth Closs Traugott. Oxford, 2012.
The Oxford History of English, ed. by Lynda Mugglestone. Oxford, 2006 (CH, Apr’07, 44-4302).
Parkes, M. B. Pause and Effect: An Introduction to the History of Punctuation in the West. California, 1993.
Penn-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Early Modern English (PPCEME), by Anthony Kroch, Beatrice Santorini, and Ariel Diertani. Department of Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania. CD-ROM, release 2, 2004.
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Pfeffer, J. Alan, and Garland Cannon. German Loanwords in English: An Historical Dictionary. Cambridge, 1994 (CH, Feb’95, 32-3089).
Pyles, Thomas. The Origins and Development of the English Language. Harcourt, Brace & World, 1964 (CH, Feb’65); 2nd ed., 1971; 7th ed., by John Algeo and Carmen Acevedo Butcher. Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2014.
Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang, ed. by J. E. Lighter. 2v. Random House, 1994-97 (v.1: A-G, CH, Nov’94, 32-1296; v.2: H-O).
Ringe, Donald. From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic. Oxford, 2008.
Robinson, Orrin W. Old English and Its Closest Relatives: A Survey of the Earliest Germanic Languages. Stanford, 1992 (CH, Dec’92, 30-1907).
Skeat, Walter W. An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. Clarendon Press; Oxford, new ed. rev. and enl., [1910]; lst ed., published as Etymological English Dictionary, 1879-82.
Skinner, David. The Story of Ain’t: America, Its Language, and the Most Controversial Dictionary Ever Published. Harper, [2012].
Spanish Loanwords in the English Language: A Tendency towards Hegemony Reversal, ed. by Félix Rodríguez González. Mouton de Gruyter, 1996.
Standard English: The Widening Debate, ed. by Tony Bex and Richard J. Watts. Routledge, 1999.
Stockwell, Robert, and Donka Minkova. English Words: History and Structure. Cambridge, 2001. 2nd ed., 2009.
The Story of English, produced by William Cran, Robert McCrum, and Robert MacNeil. BBC TV/MacNeil-Lehrer Productions/WNET. Public Media Video, 1986. Video. [See also, McCrum, Robert, William Cran, and Robert MacNeil. The Story of English.]
Sweet, Henry. A History of English Sounds from the Earliest Period: With Full Word-Lists. Clarendon Press, 1888.
The Syntax of Early English, by Olga Fischer et al. Cambridge, 2000.
Upward, Christopher, and George Davidson. The History of English Spelling. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 (CH, Oct’12, 50-0713).
Visser, F. Th. An Historical Syntax of the English Language. 3v in 4. E. J. Brill, 1963-73.
Winchester, Simon. The Meaning of Everything: The Story of the Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford, 2003 (CH, Apr’04, 41-4353).
Wolfe, Patricia M. Linguistic Change and the Great Vowel Shift in English. California, 1972 (CH, Sep’73).
Wolfram, Walt, and Natalie Schilling-Estes. American English: Dialects and Variation. Blackwell, 1998; 2nd ed., 2006.
Wyld, Henry Cecil. A History of Modern Colloquial English. T. F. Unwin, [1920]. 3rd ed., with additions, 1936.
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