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Agricultural Biotechnology: History, Science, and Society (October 2013): Works Cited

By Brian R. Shmaefsky

Works Cited

Abdullahi, Mohammed, and Moses Abalaka.  Agrobacterium Transformation: A Boost to Agricultural Biotechnology.  LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012.

Advances in Animal Breeding Biotechnology, ed. by Kareem Qureshi.  Koros, 2013.

Advances in Microbial Control of Insect Pests, ed. by Rajeey K. Upadhyay.  Springer, 2003.

Agricultural Biodiversity and Biotechnology in Economic Development, ed. by Joseph Cooper, Leslie Marie Lipper, and David Zilberman.  Springer Science+Business Media, 2005.

Agricultural Biotechnology: Challenges and Prospects, ed. by James N. Seiber et al.  American Chemical Society, 2004.

Agricultural Biotechnology, Food Safety and Nutritional Quality for the Consumer, ed. by June Fessenden MacDonald.  National Agricultural Biotechnology Council, 1990.

Agricultural Biotechnology, edited by Arie Altman.  Marcel Dekker, 1997.

Animal Biotechnology: Models in Discovery and Translation, ed. by Ashish Verma and Anchal Singh.  Academic Press, 2013.

Animal Biotechnology: Science-Based Concerns.  National Research Council of the National Academies Press, 2002 (CH, Jul’03, 40-6396).  Available free online, (accessed June 5, 2013).

Aoki, Keith.  Seed Wars: Controversies and Cases on Plant Genetic Resources and Intellectual Property.  Carolina Academic, 2008 (CH, Aug’08, 45-6774).

Arthropod-Plant Interactions: Novel Insights and Approaches for IPM, ed. by Guy Smagghe and Isabel Diaz.  Springer, 2012 (CH, Oct’12, 50-0861).

Becker, Geoffrey S.  Biotechnology in Animal Agriculture: Status and Current Issues.  Bibliogov, 2013.

Behavior-Modifying Chemicals for Insect Management: Applications of Pheromones and Other Attractants, ed. by Richard L. Ridgway, Robert M. Silverstein, and May N. Inscoe.  Marcel Dekker, 1990.

Biocontrol Potential and Its Exploitation in Sustainable Agriculture: v.2: Insect Pests, ed. by Rajeey K. Upadhyay, K. G. Mukerji, and B. P. Chamola.  Springer, 2001.

Biofuels, Land Grabbing and Food Security in Africa, ed. by Prosper B. Matondi, Kjell Havnevik, and Atakilte Beyene.  Zed Books, 2011.

Biotechnological Applications for Integrated Pest Management, ed. by S. Ignacimuthu, A. Sen, and S. Janarthanan.  Science Publishers, 2000.

Biotechnology and Agricultural Development: Transgenic Cotton, Rural Institutions and Resource-Poor Farmers, ed. by Robert Tripp.  Routledge, 2009 (CH, Jul’10, 47-6237).

Biotechnology and the Human Good, by C. Ben Mitchell et al.  Georgetown University, 2007.

Biotechnology and Integrated Pest Management, ed. by Gabrielle J. Persley.  CABI, 1996 (CH, Jun’97, 34-5672).

Birkhead, Tim.  A Brand New Bird: How Two Amateur Scientists Created the First Genetically Engineered Animal.  Basic Books, 2003.

Bizzarri, M.  The New Alchemists: The Risks of Genetic Modification.  WIT Press, 2012 (CH, Oct’12, 50-0863).

Brown, Robert C., and Tristan R. Brown.  Why Are We Producing Biofuels?: Shifting to the Ultimate Source of Energy.  Brownia LLC, 2012.

Buchholz, Klaus, and John Collins.  Concepts in Biotechnology.  Wiley-VCH, 2011 (CH, Sep’11, 49-0250).

Bud, Robert, and Mark F. Cantley.  The Uses of Life: A History of Biotechnology.  Cambridge, 1994.

Chemical Ecology of Insect Parasitoids, ed. by Eric Wajnberg and Stefano Colazza.  Wiley, 2013.

Chen, Nancy N.  Food, Medicine, and the Quest for Good Health: Nutrition, Medicine, and Culture.  Columbia, 2008 (CH, Oct’09, 47-0899).

Chrispeels, Maarten J., and David E. Sadava.  Plants, Genes, and Crop Biotechnology.  2nd ed.  Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2002.

Comstock, Gary L.  Vexing Nature?: On the Ethical Case against Agricultural Biotechnology.  Springer, 2000 (CH, Oct’01, 39-0855).

Conkin, Paul K.  A Revolution Down on the Farm: The Transformation of American Agriculture since 1929.  University Press of Kentucky, 2008 (CH, Jan’09, 46-2628).

Cooper, Melinda.  Life as Surplus: Biotechnology and Capitalism in the Neoliberal Era.  Washington, 2008 (CH, Jul’08, 45-6120).

Cummings, Claire Hope.  Uncertain Peril: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Seeds.  Beacon Press, 2008 (CH, Nov’08, 46-1469).

De Rond, Mark.  Strategic Alliances as Social Facts: Business, Biotechnology, and Intellectual History.  Cambridge, 2003.

Designer Animals: Mapping the Issues in Animal Biotechnology, ed. by Conrad C. Brunk and Sarah Hartley.  Toronto, 2012 (CH, Oct’12, 50-0886).

The Economic and Environmental Impacts of Agbiotech: A Global Perspective, ed. by Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes.  Springer, 2003.

Encyclopedia of Biotechnology in Agriculture and Food, ed. by Dennis R. Heldman, Matthew B. Wheeler, and Dallas G. Hoover.  CRC Press, 2011 (CH, Jan’11, 48-2427).

Engineering the Farm: Ethical and Social Aspects of Agricultural Biotechnology, ed. by Britt Bailey and Marc Lappé.  Island Press, 2002 (CH, Jan’03, 40-2785).

Environmental Safety of Genetically Engineered Crops, by Rebecca Grumet et al.  Michigan State, 2011 (CH, Aug’12, 49-6879).

Evans, L. T.  Feeding the Ten Billion: Plants and Population Growth.  Cambridge, 1998 (CH, May’99, 36-5081).

Fedoroff, Nina, and Nancy Marie Brown.  Mendel in the Kitchen: A Scientist’s View of Genetically Modified Foods.  Joseph Henry, 2004 (CH, Apr’05, 42-4632).

Flint, Mary Louise.  IPM in Practice: Principles and Methods of Integrated Pest Management.  2nd ed.  University of California Agriculture & Natural Resources, 2012.

Food Safety of Proteins in Agricultural Biotechnology, ed. by Bruce G. Hammond.  CRC Press, 2007.

Fungal Biotechnology in Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Applications, ed. by Dilip K. Arora.  Marcel Dekker, 2004.

Garnett, Thomas.  Essays in Natural History and Agriculture.  Chiswick Press, 1883.

Gebremariam, Hiwot.  Agricultural Biotechnology for Food Security: Case Study – Ethiopia.  Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011.

Genetically Engineered Organisms: Assessing Environmental and Human Health Effects, ed. by Deborah K. Letourneau and Beth Elpern Burrows.  CRC Press, 2002.

Genetically Modified Crops: Their Development, Uses, and Risks, ed. by G. H. Liang and D. Z. Skinner.  Food Products Press, 2004 (CH, Mar’05, 42-4020).

Genetically Modified Foods: Debating Biotechnology, ed. by Michael Ruse and David Castle.  Prometheus Books, 2002.

Gressel, Jonathan.  Genetic Glass Ceilings: Transgenics for Crop Biodiversity.  Johns Hopkins, 2008 (CH, Jul’08, 45-6156).

Halford, Nigel G.  Genetically Modified Crops.  2nd ed.  Imperial College Press, 2012 (CH, Sep’12, 50-0277).

Heiser, Charles B.  Seed to Civilization: The Story of Food.  Harvard, 1990.

Herren, Ray V.  Introduction to Biotechnology: An Agricultural Revolution.  Delmar Cengage Learning, 2003.

A History of Farming Systems Research, ed. by M. Collinson.  CABI. 2000.

History of Modern Biotechnology I, ed. by A. Fiechter.  Springer, 2000.

Hokkanen, Heikki M. T., and James M. Lynch.  Biological Control: Benefits and Risks.  Cambridge, 2003.

Hughes, Sally Smith.  Genentech: The Beginnings of Biotech.  Chicago, 2011 (CH, Apr’12, 49-4438).

The Intended and Unintended Effects of U.S. Agricultural and Biotechnology Policies, ed. by Joshua S. Graff Zivin and Jeffrey M. Perloff.  Chicago, 2012.

Isaac, Grant E.  Agricultural Biotechnology and Transatlantic Trade: Regulatory Barriers to GM Crops.  CABI, 2002.

Ives, Catherine L., and Bruce M. Bedford.  Agricultural Biotechnology in International Development.  CABI, 1998.

Kesan, Jay P.  Agricultural Biotechnology and Intellectual Property: Seeds of Change.  CABI, 2007.

Kinchy, Abby.  Seeds, Science, and Struggle: The Global Politics of Transgenic Crops.  MIT, 2012 (CH, Mar’13, 50-3846).

Kloppenburg, Jack Ralph, Jr.  First the Seed: The Political Economy of Plant Biotechnology, 1492-2000.  2nd ed.  Wisconsin, 2004 (1st ed., Cambridge, 1988, CH, Dec’88, 26-2113).

Krimsky, Sheldon, and Roger P. Wrubel.  Agricultural Biotechnology and the Environment: Science, Policy, and Social Issues.  Illinois, 1996 (CH, Jan’97, 34-2728).

Kumar, H. D.  Agricultural Biotechnology.  Daya Publishing House, 2006.

Labeling Genetically Modified Food: The Philosophical and Legal Debate, ed. by Paul Weirich.  Oxford, 2007 (CH, May’08, 45-4939).

Lappé, Mark, and Britt Bailey.  Against the Grain: Biotechnology and the Corporate Takeover of Your Food.  Common Courage, 1998.

Li, Yi, and Yon Pei.  Plant Biotechnology in Ornamental Horticulture.  CRC Press, 2007.

Lim, Hwa A.  Genetically Yours: Bioinforming, Biopharming, and Biofarming.  World Scientific, 2002.

Lurquin, Paul F.  The Green Phoenix: A History of Genetically Modified Plants.  Columbia, 2001 (CH, Jan’02, 39-2792).

Martineau, Belinda.  First Fruit: The Creation of the Flavr Savr Tomato and the Birth of Biotech Foods.  McGraw-Hill, 2001 (CH, Oct’01, 39-0933).

Mazoyer, Marcel, and Laurence Roudart.  A History of World Agriculture: From the Neolithic Age to the Current Crisis, tr. by James H. Membrez.  Monthly Review, 2005.

Microbial Biopesticides, ed. by Opender Koul and G. S. Dhaliwal.  Taylor & Francis, 2002.

Murphy, Denis J.  Plants, Biotechnology and Agriculture.  CABI, 2011 (CH, Jul’12, 49-6281).

National Research Council of the National Academies Press.  The Impact of Genetically Engineered Crops on Farm Sustainability in the United States.  National Academies Press, 2010 (CH, Jan’11, 48-2667).  Available free online, (accessed June 5, 2013).

Olmstead, Alan L., and Paul W. Rhode.  Creating Abundance: Biological Innovation and American Agricultural Development.  Cambridge, 2008 (CH, Mar’09, 46-3811).

Panno, Joseph.  Animal Cloning: The Science of Nuclear Transfer.  Facts On File, 2005.

Peekhaus, Wilhelm.  Resistance Is Fertile: Canadian Struggles on the BioCommons.  UBC Press, 2013 (CH, Oct’13, 51-0872).

Pele, Maria, and Carmen Cimpeanu.  Biotechnology: An Introduction.  WIT Press, 2012 (CH, Jan’13, 50-2642).

Plant Biotechnology and Agriculture: Prospects for the 21st Century, ed. by Arie Altman and Paul Michael Hasegawa.  Elsevier/Academic Press, 2012 (CH, Aug’12, 49-68830).

Plant Biotechnology for Sustainable Production of Energy and Co-products, ed. by Peter N. Mascia, Jürgen Scheffran, and Jack M. Widholm.  Springer, 2010.

Plant Embryo Culture: Methods and Protocols, ed. by Trevor A. Thorpe and Edward C. Yeung.  Humana Press, 2011.

Plant Tissue Culture, Development, and Biotechnology, ed. by Robert N. Trigiano and Dennis J. Gray.  CRC Press, 2010.

Pörtner, Ralf.  Animal Cell Biotechnology: Methods and Protocols. 2nd ed.  Humana Press, 2007.

Regulating Next Generation Agri-Food Biotechnologies: Lessons from European, North American and Asian Experiences, ed. by Michael Howlett and David Laycock.  Routledge, 2012 (CH, Nov’12, 50-1454).

Regulation of Agricultural Biotechnology: The United States and Canada, ed. by Chris A. Wozniak and Alan McHughen.  Springer, 2012 (CH, May’13, 50-4961).

Ricketts, Cliff, and Kristina Ricketts.  Agribusiness: Fundamentals and Applications.  2nd ed.  Delmar Cengage Learning, 2009.

Robbins-Roth, Cynthia.  From Alchemy to IPO: The Business of Biotechnology.  Perseus Books, 2001.

The Role of Biotechnology in a Sustainable Food Supply, by Jennie S. Popp et al.  Cambridge, 2012 (CH, Apr’12, 50-4422).

Shmaefsky, Brian Robert.  Biotechnology 101.  Greenwood, 2006 (CH, Jun’07, 44-5665).

____.  Biotechnology on the Farm and in the Factory: Agricultural and Industrial Applications.  Chelsea House, 2006.

Slater, Adrian, Nigel W. Scott, and Mark R. Fowler.  Plant Biotechnology: The Genetic Manipulation of Plants.  Oxford, 2003 (CH, Dec’03, 41-2170).

Stewart, C. Neal, Jr.  Genetically Modified Planet: Environmental Impacts of Genetically Engineered Plants.  Oxford, 2004 (CH, Feb’05, 42-3418).

Tauger, Mark B.  Agriculture in World History.  Routledge, 2010 (CH, Aug’11, 48-6873).

Thomson, Jennifer A.  Seeds for the Future: The Impact of Genetically Modified Crops on the Environment.  Cornell, 2007 (CH, Sep’07, 45-0275).

Transgenic Crop Plants: v.1: Principles and Development; v.2: Utilization and Biosafety, ed. by Chittaranjan Kole et al.  Springer, 2010.

Verma, A. S., and Anchal Singh.  Modern Animal Biotechnology.  Alpha Science Intl Ltd, 2013.

Weasel, Lisa H.  Food Fray: Inside the Controversy over Genetically Modified Food.  AMACOM, 2009 (CH, Jun’09, 46-5610).