The Academic Acceleration of Gifted Children, ed. by W. Thomas Southern and Eric D. Jones. Teachers College Press, Columbia University, 1991 (CH, Oct’91, 29-1018).
Adler, Mortimer Jerome. The Paideia Proposal: An Educational Manifesto. Macmillan, 1982.
Betts, George T., Robin J. Carey, and Blanche M. Kapushion. Autonomous Learner Model Resource Book. Prufrock Press, 2017.
Bruner, Jerome S. The Process of Education. Harvard, 1961; 2nd ed., 1977.
Callahan, Carolyn M., and Michael S. Caldwell. A Practitioner’s Guide to Evaluating Programs for the Gifted. National Association for Gifted Children, 1997.
Clark, Barbara. Growing Up Gifted: Developing the Potential of Children at Home and at School. Merrill, 1979; 8th ed., Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, 2013.
Conceptions of Giftedness, ed. by Robert J. Sternberg and Janet E. Davidson. Cambridge, 1986; 2nd ed., 2005.
Critical Issues and Practices in Gifted Education: What the Research Says, ed. by Jonathan A. Plucker and Carolyn M. Callahan. Prufrock Press, 2008; 2nd ed., 2014.
Cross, Tracy L. On the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Children: Understanding and Guiding Their Development. 4th ed. Prufrock Press, 2017. [1st ed. published as The Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Kids, 2005.]
Curriculum Development Kit for Gifted and Advanced Learners, [created by] Sandra N. Kaplan and Michael W. Cannon. Prufrock Press, 2010.
Definitions and Conceptions of Giftedness, ed. by Robert J. Sternberg. Corwin Press, 2004.
Designing and Utilizing Evaluation for Gifted Program Improvement, ed. by Joyce VanTassel-Baska and Annie Xuemei Feng. Prufrock Press, 2004.
Developing Talent in Young People, ed. by Benjamin S. Bloom. Ballantine Books, 1985
Felder, Monique T., et al. Increasing Diversity in Gifted Education: Research-Based Strategies for Identification and Program Services. Prufrock Press, 2015.
Feldman, David Henry, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, and Howard Gardner. Changing the World: A Framework for the Study of Creativity. Praeger, 1994 (CH, Nov’94, 32-1816).
Ford, Donna Y., and J. John Harris. Multicultural Gifted Education. Teachers College Press, 1999 (CH, Dec’99, 37-2284); 2nd ed., Prufrock Press, 2011.
From Giftedness to Gifted Education: Reflecting Theory in Practice, ed. by Jonathan A. Plucker, Anne N. Rinn, and Matthew C. Makel. Prufrock Press, 2018.
Fundamentals of Gifted Education: Considering Multiple Perspectives, ed. by Carolyn M. Callahan and Holly L. Hertberg-Davis. Routledge, 2013; 2nd ed., 2018.
Gardner, Howard. Creating Minds: An Anatomy of Creativity Seen through the Lives of Freud, Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham, and Gandhi. Basic Books, 1993 (CH, Feb’94, 31-3482).
____. Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Basic Books, 1983 (CH, Apr’84); 3rd ed., 2011.
Guilford, J. P. The Nature of Human Intelligence. McGraw-Hill, 1967 (CH, Jul’68).
Handbook of Creativity, ed. by Robert J. Sternberg. Cambridge, 1998 (CH, Jul’99, 36-6571).
Handbook of Gifted Education, ed. by Nicholas Colangelo and Gary A. Davis. Allyn and Bacon, 1991; 3rd ed., 2003.
Hollingworth, Leta Stetter. Children above 180 IQ, Stanford-Binet: Origin and Development. World Book Company, [1942].
Identification of Students for Gifted and Talented Programs, ed. by Joseph S. Renzulli. Corwin Press, 2004.
Identifying Gifted Students: A Practical Guide, ed. by Susan K. Johnsen. 2nd ed. Prufrock Press, 2011. [1st ed. published with slightly different title, 2005.]
Igniting Creativity in Gifted Learners, K–6, ed. by Joan Franklin Smutny and S. E. von Fremd. Corwin Press, 2008 (CH, May’09, 46-5161).
Isaksen, Scott G., Brian Dorval, and Donald J. Treffinger. Creative Approaches to Problem Solving: A Framework for Change. Creative Problem Solving Group, 1994; 3rd ed., SAGE, 2011.
Kaufman, James C., Jonathan A. Plucker, and John Baer. Essentials of Creativity Assessment. Wiley, 2008.
Maker, C. June, and S. W. Shiever. Teaching Models in Education of the Gifted. 3rd ed. Pro-Ed, 2005. [1st first edition by Maker alone, published by Aspen Systems Corp., 1982.]
Methods and Materials for Teaching the Gifted, ed. by Frances A. Karnes and Suzanne M. Bean. Prufrock Press, 2001; 4th ed., 2015.
Modern Curriculum for Gifted and Advanced Academic Students, ed. by Todd Kettler. Prufrock Press, 2016.
Navan, Joy L. Nurturing the Gifted Female: A Guide for Educators and Parents. Corwin Press, 2009.
Neumeister, Kristie L. Speirs, and Virginia H. Burney. Gifted Program Evaluation: A Handbook for Administrators and Coordinators. Prufrock Press, 2012.
Oakes, Jeannie. Keeping Track: How Schools Structure Inequality. Yale, 1985 (CH, Oct’85); 2nd ed., 2005.
The Parallel Curriculum: A Design to Develop High Potential and Challenge High-Ability Learners [created] by Carol Ann Tomlinson et al. Corwin, 2001 (CH, Jul’03, 40-6552); 2nd ed., 2009.
Perry, Theresa, Claude Steele, and Asa G. Hilliard III. Young, Gifted, and Black: Promoting High Achievement among African-American Students. Beacon Press, 2003 (CH, Feb’04, 41-3570).
Peters, Scott J., et al. Beyond Gifted Education: Designing and Implementing Advanced Academic Programs. Prufrock Press, 2014.
Plucker, Jonathan A., and Scott J. Peters. Excellence Gaps in Education: Expanding Opportunities for Talented Students. Harvard Education Press, 2016.
Program Evaluation in Gifted Education, ed. by Carolyn M. Callahan. Corwin Press, 2004.
Raina, M. K. The Creativity Passion: E. Paul Torrance’s Voyages of Discovering Creativity. Ablex, 2000.
Reis, Sally M., Joseph S. Renzulli, and Deborah E. Burns. Curriculum Compacting: A Guide to Differentiating Curriculum and Instruction through Enrichment and Acceleration. Prufrock Press, 2005; 2nd ed., 2016.
Renzulli, Joseph S., and Sally M. Reis. The Schoolwide Enrichment Model: A Comprehensive Plan for Educational Excellence. Creative Learning Press, 1985; 2nd ed., 1997.
Renzulli, Joseph S., Jann H. Leppien, and Thomas S. Hays. The Multiple Menu Model: A Practical Guide for Developing Differentiated Curriculum. Creative Learning Press, 2000.
Rethinking Gifted Education, ed. by James H. Borland. Teachers College Press, 2003 (CH, Feb’04, 41-3573).
Rimm, Sylvia B., Del Siegle, and Gary A. Davis. Education of the Gifted and Talented. 7th ed., Pearson, 2018. [1st ed., by Davis and Rimm, Prentice-Hall, 1985.]
Robinson, Ann, Bruce M. Shore, and Donna L. Enersen. Best Practices in Gifted Education: An Evidence-Based Guide. Prufrock Press, 2007.
Roda, Allison. Inequality in Gifted and Talented Programs: Parental Choices about Status, School Opportunity, and Second-Generation Segregation. Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
Runco, Mark A. Creativity: Theories and Themes: Research, Development, and Practice. Elsevier Academic Press, 2007; 2nd ed., 2014.
Schroth, S. T., et al. Planning Differentiated Instruction and Assessing Results: Teaching to Assure Each Student’s Success. Kendall Hunt, 2011.
Smutny, Joan F., and S. E. von Fremd. Teaching Advanced Learners in the General Education Classroom: Doing More with Less! Corwin Press, 2011.
Smutny, Joan F., Sally Yahnke Walker, and Ellen I. Honeck. Teaching Gifted Children in Today’s Preschool and Primary Classrooms: Identifying, Nurturing, and Challenging Children Ages 4-9. Free Spirit Publishing, 2016.
The Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Children: What Do We Know?, ed. by Maureen Neihart, Steven I. Pfeiffer, and Tracy L. Cross. Prufrock Press, 2002; 2nd ed. 2016.
Special Populations in Gifted Education: Understanding Our Most Able Students from Diverse Backgrounds, ed. by Jaime A. Castellano and Andrea Dawn Frazier. Prufrock Press, 2011.
Systems and Models for Developing Programs for the Gifted and Talented, ed. by Joseph S. Renzulli. Creative Learning Press, 1986; 2nd ed., ed. by Renzulli et al., Prufrock Press, 2009.
Taba, Hilda. Curriculum Development: Theory and Practice. Harcourt, Brace & World, 1962.
Terman, Lewis M. Mental and Physical Traits of a Thousand Gifted Children. Stanford, 1925.
Theory and Practice of Creativity Measurement, ed. by Eunice M. L. Soriano de Alencar, Maria de Fátima Bruno-Faria, and Denise de Souza Fleith. Prufrock Press, 2014.
Tomlinson, Carol Ann. How to Differentiate Instruction in Academically Diverse Classrooms. 3rd ed. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2017. [First published as How to Differentiate Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms, 1995.]
Treffinger, Donald J. Practice Problems for Creative Problem Solving. 3rd ed. Prufrock Press, 2000.
Treffinger, Donald J., et al. Enhancing and Expanding Gifted Programs: The Levels of Service Approach. Prufrock Press, 2004.
Treffinger, Donald J., Patricia F. Schoonover, and Edwin C. Selby. Educating for Creativity and Innovation: A Comprehensive Guide for Research-Based Practice. Prufrock Press, 2013.
Treffinger, Donald J., Scott G. Isaksen, and K. Brian Stead-Dorval. Creative Problem Solving: An Introduction. 4th ed. Prufrock Press, 2006. [First published with different subtitle, Bearly, 1985.]
Ward, Virgil S. Educating the Gifted. Merrill Books [1961].
Weber, Christine L., Cecilia Boswell, and Wendy A. Behrens. Exploring Critical Issues in Gifted Education: A Case Studies Approach. Prufrock Press, 2014.