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Cephalopods: Intelligent Morsels of Protein: Works Cited

By Larry Spencer

Works Cited

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Mather, Jennifer, Roland Anderson, and James B. Woods. Octopus: The Ocean’s Intelligent Invertebrate. Timber, 2010. (CH, Nov’10, 48-1472).

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____. The Soul of an Octopus. Simon & Schuster, 2016.

Moynihan, Martin. Communication and Noncommunication by Cephalopods. Indiana, 1985.

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Nesis, Kir N. Cephalopods of the World: Squid, Cuttlefishes, Octopuses, and Allies, tr. by B. S. Levitov; ed. by Lourdes A. Burgess. T. F. H. Publications, 1987.

Nixon, Marion, and J. Z. Young. The Brains and Lives of Cephalopods. Oxford, 2003.

Norman, Mark. Cephalopods, a World Guide: Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Carib-bean, Arctic, Antarctic. 2nd rev. ed. ConchBooks 2003. (lst ed., 2000).

Norman, Mark, and Amanda Reid. A Guide to Squid, Cuttlefish and Octopuses of Australasia. CSIRO, 2000.

Paleontology and Neontology of Cephalopods, ed. by Malcolm R. Clarke and Edwin Royden Trueman. Academic Press, 1988.

Reid, Amanda. Cephalopods of Australia and Sub-Antarctic Territories. CSIRO, 2016.

Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates: Molluscs: Gastropods and Cephalopods, vol. 4, ed. by Arthur Giese and John S. Pearse. Elsevier, 1977.

Scheel, David. Many Things under a Rock: The Mysteries of Octopuses. 1st ed. Norton, 2023.

Squid as Experimental Animals, ed. by Daniel L. Gilbert, William J. Adelman, Jr., and John M. Arnold. Plenum, 1990.

Staaf, Danna. The Lady and the Octopus: How Jeanne Villepreux-Power Invented Aquariums and Revolutionized Marine Biology. Carolrhoda, 2022

____. The Lives of Octopuses and Their Relatives: A Natural History of Cephalopods. Princeton, 2023 (CH, Mar’24, 61-1928).

______. Monarchs of the Sea: The Extraordinary 500-Million Year History of Cephalopods. The Experiment, 2020. (First published as Squid Empire by ForeEdge, 2017.

———. Squid Empire: The Rise and Fall of the Cephalopods. University Press of New England, 2017 (CH, Jun’18, 55-3620).

Tozer, E. T. The Trias and Its Ammonoids: The Evolution of a Time Scale. Geological Survey of Canada, 1984.

Wallen, Martin. Squid. Reaktion, 2021.

Ward, Peter D. The Natural History of Nautilus. Allen and Unwin, 1987.

Wells, Martin John. Octopus: Physiology and Behaviour of an Advanced Invertebrate. Chapman and Hall, 1978.

Williams, Wendy. Kraken: The Curious, Exciting, and Slightly Disturbing Science of Squid. Abrams Image, 2011.

Xavier, José, and Yves Cherel. Cephalopod Beak Guide for the Southern Ocean: An Update on Taxonomy. Rev. ed. British Antarctic Survey, 2021. (1st ed., 2009.)

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