50 Years of Bat Research: Foundations and New Frontiers, ed. by Burton K. Lim et al. Springer, 2021.
Alexander, Stephon. Fear of a Black Universe: An Outsider’s Guide to the Future of Physics. Basic Books, 2021.
____. The Jazz of Physics: The Secret Link between Music and the Structure of the Universe. Basic Books, 2016 (CH, Sep’16, 54-0239).
All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis, ed. by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Katharine K. Wilkinson. One World, 2020.
Baghchehsara, Ali, Francisco Gallardo López, and Jens Strahmann. Fundamentals of Aerospace Engineering (Beginner’s Guide), ed. by Barret Schlegelmilch et al. [Orig. pub. 2016.] Create Space, 2019.
The Baltimore School of Urban Ecology: Space, Scale, and Time for the Study of Cities, ed. by J. Morgan Grove et al. Yale, 2015.
Bradley, David Timothy, Erica E. Ryherd, and Michelle C. Vigeant. Acoustical Design of Theatres for Drama Performance: 1985-2010. Acoustical Society of America, 2010.
Broadening Participation in STEM: Effective Methods, Practices, and Programs, ed. by Zayika S. Wilson-Kennedy et al. Emerald Publishing, 2019.
Brown, Jeannette E. African American Women Chemists. Oxford, 2012 (CH, Oct’12, 50-0891).
____. African American Women Chemists in the Modern Era. Oxford, 2018.
Brown, Matthew. Everything You Need to Ace Biology in One Big Fat Notebook: The Complete High School Study Guide. Workman Publishing, 2021.
Burgess, David, and Manfred Scholer. Collisionless Shocks in Space Plasmas: Structure and Accelerated Particles. Cambridge, 2015.
Chang-Diaz, Franklin R., and Erik Seedhouse. To Mars and beyond, Fast!: How Plasma Propulsion Will Revolutionize Space Exploration. Springer: 2017 (CH, Jun’18, 55-3585).
Colley, Kabba E., and Binta M. Colley. Resilience and Success: The Professional Journeys of African American Women Scientists. Peter Lang, 2013 (CH, Sep’14, 52-0243).
Culbreath, Karissa, and Mike Motz. Daddy’s Little Girl. Create Space, 2016.
Davis, Jeanette, and Philbert Washington (illustrator). Science Is Everywhere, Science Is for Everyone. Mynd Matters Publishing, 2019.
“A Day in the Life” series, by various authors. Neon Squid, 2022-.
Diversifying STEM: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Race and Gender, ed. by Ebony O. McGee and William H. Robinson. Rutgers, 2020.
Earth Stewardship: Linking Ecology and Ethics in Theory and Practice, ed. by Ricardo Rozzi et al. Springer, 2015 (CH, Oct’15, 53-0791).
“Ecology and Ethics” series, by various editors. Springer, 2013-.
Ecosystems of California, ed. by Harold A Mooney and Erika Zavaleta. California, 2016 (CH, Sep’16, 54-0191).
El Kaliouby, Rana, with Carol Colman. Girl Decoded: A Scientist’s Quest to Reclaim our Humanity by Bringing Emotional Intelligence to Technology. Currency, 2020.
Green Technologies for the Environment, ed. by Sherine Obare and Rafael Luque. American Chemical Society, 2014.
Griffith, Theanne, and Reggie Brown (illustrator). Brain Trouble. Random House Children’s Books, 2020.
____. The Great Germ Hunt. Random House Children’s Books, 2021.
____. How to Test a Friendship. Random House Children’s Books, 2020.
____. Race through Space. Random House Children’s Books, 2022.
____. Riding Sound Waves. Random House Children’s Books, 2020.
Growing Diverse STEM Communities: Methodology, Impact, and Evidence, ed. by Leyte L. Winfield et al. Oxford, 2019.
Guy, Cylita. Chasing Bats and Tracking Rats: Urban Ecology, Community Science, and How We Share Our Cities. Annick Press, 2022.
Insect Outbreaks Revisited, ed. by Pedro Barbosa, Deborah Kay Letourneau and Anurag A. Agrawal. Wiley, 2012.
Jackson, Carlee, and Chaaya Prabhat (illustrator). Sharks: What Do Great Whites, Hammerheads and Whale Sharks Get Up To All Day? Neon Squid, 2022.
Johnson, Clifford V. The Dialogues: Conversations about the Nature of the Universe. MIT, 2017.
Johnson, Katherine G. Reaching for the Moon: The Autobiography of NASA Mathematician Katherine Johnson. Atheneum, 2019.
Kaku, Michio. The Future of Humanity: Terraforming Mars, Interstellar Travel, Immortality, and Our Destiny beyond Earth. Doubleday, 2018.
____. The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance and Power the Mind. Doubleday, 2014.
____. The God Equation: The Quest for a Theory of Everything. Doubleday, 2021.
____. Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100. Doubleday, 2011 (CH, Oct’11, 49-0926).
Kimmerer, Robin Wall. Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants. Milkweed Editions, 2013 (CH, Jun’14, 51-5594).
Lanham, J. Drew. The Home Place: Memoirs of a Colored Man’s Love Affair with Nature. Old Saybrook, 2021.
____. Sparrow Envy: Field Guide to Birds and Lesser Beasts. Hub City Press, 2021.
____. Sparrow Envy: Poems. Hub City Press, 2019.
Linking Ecology and Ethics for a Changing World: Values, Philosophy, and Action, ed. by Ricardo Rozzi et al. Springer, 2014 (CH, Aug’14, 51-6714).
“The Magnificent Makers” series, by Theanne Griffith and Reggie Brown (illustrator). Random House Children’s Books, 2020-.
Marshall, Victoria J. et al. Patch Atlas: Integrating Design Practices and Ecological Knowledge for Cities as Complex Systems. Yale, 2019 (CH, Sep’20, 58-0105).
McGuire, Saundra Yancy, and Stephanie McGuire. Teach Students How to Learn: Strategies You Can Incorporate into Any Course to Improve Student Metacognition, Study Skills, and Motivation. Stylus Publishing, 2015.
____. Teach Yourself How to Learn: Strategies You Can Use to Ace Any Course at Any Level. Stylus Publishing, 2018.
Meiners, Scott J., Steward T. Pickett, and Mary L. Cadenasso. An Integrative Approach to Successional Dynamics: Tempo and Mode of Vegetation Change. Cambridge, 2015 (CH, Mar’16, 53-3069).
Melvin, Leland. Chasing Space: An Astronaut’s Story of Grit, Grace, and Second Chances. Amistad, 2017.
Memoirs of Black Entomologists: Reflections on Childhood, University, and Career Experiences, ed. by Eric W. Riddick et al. Entomological Society of America, 2015.
Modern Applications in Membrane Science and Technology, ed. by Isabel C. Escobar and Bart Van der Bruggen. American Chemical Society, 2011.
Mom the Chemistry Professor: Personal Accounts and Advice from Chemistry Professors Who Are Mothers, ed. by Kimberly Woznack, et al. Springer, 2014 (CH, Mar’15, 52-3669).
Montgomery, Beronda L. Lessons from Plants. Harvard, 2021.
Motlhalamme, Thato, and Evodia Setati. Holding the Knife’s Edge: Journeys of Black Female Scientists. Quickfox Publishing, 2020.
Nanotechnology for Environmental Decontamination, ed. by Manoj Kumar Ram, Silvana Andreescu, and Hanming Ding. McGraw-Hill, 2011.
Oluseyi, Hakeem M., and Joshua Horwitz. A Quantum Life: My Unlikely Journey from the Street to the Stars. Ballantine, 2021.
Pellum, Kimberly Brown, Rosetta A. Conner, and Keisha Morris (illustrator). Black Women in Science: A Black History Book for Kids. Rockridge Press, 2019.
Prescod-Weinstein, Chanda. The Disordered Cosmos: A Journey into Dark Matter, Spacetime, and Dreams Deferred. Bold Type Books, 2021.
Radical SAM Enzymes, ed. by Vahe Bandarian. Academic Press, 2018. Available via ScienceDirect.
Ramirez, Ainissa. The Alchemy of Us: How Humans and Matter Transformed One Another. MIT, 2020 (CH, Sep’20, 58-0098).
Resilience in Ecology and Urban Design: Linking Theory and Practice for Sustainable Cities, ed. by Steward T. Pickett, Mary L. Cadenasso, and Brian McGrath. Springer, 2013.
Science for the Sustainable City: Empirical Insights from the Baltimore School of Urban Ecology, ed. by Steward T. Pickett et al. Yale, 2019 (CH, May’20, 57-3157).
St. John, Allen, and Ainissa Ramirez. Newton’s Football: The Science behind America’s Game. Ballantine, 2013.
Sustainable Water for the Future: Water Recycling versus Desalination, ed. by Isabel C. Escobar and Andrea Schäfer. Elsevier, 2010.
Ware, Jessica L., and Chaaya Prabhat (illustrator). Bugs: What Do Bees, Ants and Dragonflies Get Up To All Day? Neon Squid: 2022.
Williams, Tyus D., and Chaaya Prabhat (illustrator). Big Cats: What Do Lions, Tigers and Panthers Get Up To All Day? Neon Squid: 2022.
Winfield, Leyte L. Interactive Guide to Organic Chemistry. Kendall Hunt, 2012.
Worship Space Acoustics: 3 Decades of Design, ed. by David T. Bradley, Erica E. Ryherd, and Lauren M. Ronsse. Springer, 2016.
Yellowhair, Julius E. Field Guide to Solar Optics. SPIE Press, 2020.