As children enter the middle school years, they become much more interested in their independence, agency, and abilities to affect change. As a result, they are often intrigued by books with strong characters whose motivations, powers, and limitations, either personal or societal, mirror their own. Books that are especially good for this group include Rob Greenfield’s Be the Change (cowritten with Antonia Banyard), about a YouTube activist’s attempt to document his personal battle to improve the environment; Michelle Hurwitz’s Hello from Renn Lake, the story of how one girl and her friends become activists to save a compromised lake; and Kevin Armitage’s This Green and Growing Land, a brief history of environmentalism in the United States. Educators seeking to stimulate student action might consider Paul Douglass’s A Kid’s Guide to Saving the Planet, which encourages children to take simple actions that can influence change by raising local awareness; Megan Clendenan’s Fresh Air, Clean Water, which reports on children around the globe who advocate for a healthy environment as a human right; and Martin Dorey’s Kids Fight Climate Change, which details a variety of missions children can undertake to change conditions in their local communities.