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A Guide to Openly Accessible Media and Streaming Video Content (January 2021): Videos & Open Repositories

by Susan Ariew, LeEtta Schmidt, and Matt Torrence

Videos & Open Repositories

The many fields and related academic areas of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) were quick to embrace technology, but perhaps less inclined to share this material freely and publicly. This is still the case for many proprietary resources, which must support their own operating costs and equipment. There have been shifts, however, brought on by the increasing public support and funding of research in these areas, and by the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic. All subject areas evidence increasing interest in the quality and measurable teaching and learning occurring in the virtual environment. This section discusses resources for the sciences, both general and subject specific, highlighting the unique aspects of STEM teaching and learning.

One of the premier online scientific archives of wildlife history is Cornell’s Macauly Library, which includes audio, video, and photographs. A large portion of the content is focused on birds, but the site also includes information on amphibians, fishes, and mammals. National Science Digital Library (NSDL) has a more teaching and course-development mission. NSDL is a free OER provides Creative Commons licensed teaching and learning resources for STEM at all levels. The video/simulation tools offer the user unique experiences in the aforementioned areas of study and teaching.

The website of the iconic National Geographic is another great source for streaming video and other content in the many areas of STEM. With proper attribution, these are available for use by instructors. Citation information is available directly in each resource summary. A free account must be created for use, but this is a minor barrier to such useful content. Offering a fascinating virtual adventure through Apollo’s many related missions, Apollo in Real Time includes historical information, streaming videos, and first-person views of places very few people experience firsthand. And Ted Talks: Science offers general and multilevel content in a wide variety of science subjects.

For excellent instructional and streaming resources in mathematics, Khan Academy Math is a great choice. The content ranges from K–12 (by grade level) to calculus, linear algebra, and other more advanced subjects. The American Mathematical Society’s AMS Resources & Updates Related to COVID-19 has a variety of online and COVID 19–related text and video resources available for higher education and other levels of research and teaching. Both the Kahn Academy and the AMS sites offer information that is free from copyright or available for academic use with proper citation or attribution.